As the vibrant energy of May blossoms around us, and we rejoice in the return of some sun, awareness of the ongoing devastation of what is happening in many ways and places in our world colours our day-to-day. Movement Medicine as a practice invites us all to acknowledge both the light and the shadow within us, between us and in our world. It embraces the reality of the suffering and the miracle of life.
We, Susannah and Ya’Acov, are both students of Movement Medicine as well as its founders and we continue to learn about this balance all the time. We have also both written more about this in this month’s blogs. We recognise how blessed our lives are. And from that place, we are continuing to create spaces in which people can acknowledge the challenges and pain of life whilst remembering and reconnecting to the unbroken essence of life and what really matters to us. The purpose of our work is to support you to be who you are and find the inner strength to go on giving what you came here to give. Whatever condition you are in, the spirit of the dance is strong enough to move with it. And it’s from there that we invite you to read on.
On May 3, join us for our Beltane Ceremony, a celebration of fertility, fire, and vitality. It's a perfect opportunity to kindle the fires of creativity and passion in your life and to bring some of that sexual creative energy to where it’s needed.
Looking ahead, the Summer Long Dance is incoming. We have a fantastic international crew in the circle already and there are still some places left - if you feel the call, book now. Mark your calendars and prepare to be rock and rolled.
We have also upgraded our mailing system so please click below to contact us.
This month we would like to highlight our Apprenticeship page. Here you will find all the information you need regarding our Apprenticeship Programme and we introduce the wonderful Apprentice leaders; David Mooney, Yasia Leiserach and Anne Ena Bernard.

Phoenix Rising Online
new dates!
10 oct - 3 Nov 2024
After taking the time to listen to the rhythms of what is needed from our online offerings, we have come to the difficult decision to postpone 'Phoenix Rising' to this Autumn - October 2024. We've changed the format to provide more spaciousness for the learning journey and have also changed the price accordingly.
Super early bird sale ends 1 June 2024 - £395.

More on the Summer Long Dance
SAT 20 - FRI 26 JULY
At the School’s HQ we're busy preparing for the Summer Long Dance 2024. We have ordered the marquee and bell tents and soon we’ll be visiting Hillyfield Woodland Farm to ensure we’re ready to welcome everyone to the July Long Dance ceremony.
Our brilliant payment plan is now in place, allowing you to split the payment between now and July into equal monthly instalments.
For those that have purchased a ticket, you will soon receive an email from us with all the information you need.
- The Study Hub: This month's Movement Medicine Study Hub is focused on: 'The Precious Gift of Presence' with our guest teacher Kristin Glenewinkel.
- Soul Whispering: An 'in room' workshop with Susannah [Fri 24 May- Sun 26 May] Hamburg
- Initiation: An 'in room' intensive dance retreat with Ya'Acov and Susannah [Mon 27 May -Sun 2 Jun] Poland
- Solstice Ceremony: An online ceremony with Susannah [Fri 14 Jun]
- Power Stories: An 'in room' workshop with Ya'Acov [Sat 29 Jun- Sun 30 Jun] Freiburg
- Summer Long Dance: An 'in room' ceremony with Susannah and Ya'Acov [Sat 20 Jul- Fri Jul] Hillyfield, Devon
May's Study Hub Lesson

This month’s theme is “The Precious Gift of Presence“ with our guest teacher Kristin Glenewinkel. Kristin is an experienced Movement Medicine teacher, active Hub member and long term practitioner of meditation.
Kristin says:
“Presence is a mysterious place for many of us, as we often live either absorbed by the past or drawn into the future. The exploration this month is about mindfulness in motion, bringing our attention to our moving body and resting posture. Practice to be here and when distracted, how to come back. I am honoured to be your guest teacher this month and I will share from my over thirty year long quest; my path of meditation, yoga, therapy and dance. My wish is to open a space for simplicity and embodiment.”
Come and join in this feast of embodied learning, dancing, practice and sharing.
New Pricing Effective 1 June 2024
On the 1st of June our Study Hub prices will be increasing for new members to £25 per month. Current member's membership price will remain the same as when they joined. Susannah and Ya’Acov explain more about the Hub and the price increase in their "Study Hub News" blog.
Good time to step on board? Good time to invite friends to join you on board? We think so.

Beltane Online Ceremony
3 MAY 6-8:30PM
It’s time to light the Beltane fires again and enter wholeheartedly into the wide open arms of the dance. Beltane is a time for passion, for kindling and nourishing our creative sexual energy; the spark of life between yin and yang and the place they meet that is the source of creation. In this ceremony we will embark on a guided journey intended to awaken a new chapter of creativity for ourselves, our relationships and our capacity to serve life.

The Space Between Us
SUN 5 MAY 5 - 7:30PM
In this talk, shamanic journey and Q & A, Ya’Acov and Susannah Darling Khan, Co-Founders of Movement Medicine, will share the fundamentals of what makes their relationship so inspiring. After 38 years together, the fiery and creative dynamic between them is a source of teaching for anyone wanting more intimacy and therefore better sex in their relationships. They don’t teach tantra. They teach what they have learned through more than 3½ decades of living on the front line of love.
Soul Whispering
You are invited to embark on a transformative journey dancing home into the authentic core of your own being.
Soul Whispering is a profound and moving Movement Medicine journey in which you will be able to welcome more of your own wild soul home, accessing parts of yourself you may not yet know. Soul Whispering starts with inhabiting your own sensate body. It continues with liberating your freedom and taking responsibility for your power. It involves allowing your heart its full spectrum of feeling. It’s about soul, sensitivity and strength.

This month we would like to celebrate Kristin who is teaching the "The Precious Gift of Presence” lesson on the Hub this month. Thank you Kristin!

May's dancer story is from dancer and Movement teacher Nicolas Bernard, who talks about his experience with dance and movement. Thank you Nicolas!
We really want to learn more about how life on the Movement Medicine dance floor can affect the dance of everyday life. Do share your story with us all, we’d love to hear from you!
The Medicine Blog

Wishing you all the best for the rest of May.
With warmth,
Susannah, Ya’Acov and the School of Movement Medicine Team