Discover the gold of your soul

Movement Medicine® is a refined integration of old school ecstatic movement practice, psychotherapeutic wisdom, contemporary shamanism and neuroscience. It teaches you how to stand up, grow up, play your role and alchemise life's challenges into the gold of your soul.

A shared purpose

When Ya’Acov and Susannah Darling Khan met in 1986 they soon recognised that, besides learning how to love and grow together, they had a shared purpose: "To create a modality to support human beings to heal and evolve their relationships with themselves, each other, the earth and the mystery of life." This purpose has shaped their lives and has blossomed into the contemporary practice that is Movement Medicine.

Sharing the Dance

Ya'Acov & Susannah began teaching what was called '5 Rhythms™ Ecstatic Dance' in 1989, after being part of Gabrielle Roth’s first 5 Rhythms teacher training in Europe. In nearly 4 decades of work, they have worked with many thousands of people around the world from many walks of life. During their 18 years of apprenticeship with Gabrielle, Movement Medicine evolved as they continued to study and reflect on what really helps people transform their lives. They are two of the most experienced and seasoned embodiment teachers alive on the planet.

The School

The School of Movement Medicine was born in 2007. Since then, the School has offered countless weekend workshops, scores of intensives, Apprenticeship Programs, rigorous Professional Trainings and ongoing continued professional development.

To cultivate your medicine is the road to genuine fulfilment. The School is designed to catalyse your creativity, liberate your capacity to be who you are and connect you to your purpose in evolving the dream of humanity.

Growing Branches

In 2012, Susannah and Ya'Acov began teaching online. The Movement Medicine Study Hub and their online courses offer dancers worldwide the opportunity to bring Movement Medicine home. Their online work creates proven results for a more resourced, resilient and creative experience of life.

Through 6 Professional Trainings, each of the dedicated Professionals they have trained brings their own individual expertise and style to a growing number of people, countries, contexts around the world.

Phoenix & the Mandala

The Movement Medicine mandala is the energetic signature of Movement Medicine. It maps the internal anatomy of our work through 21 gateways and the interconnected teachings they hold. It reflects the principles and ethos that underpin this path.

The Phoenix at its centre symbolises your capacity to rise from the ashes again and again, developing the resilience to stand tall, take responsibility for your dreams and purposefully play your unique role in the dance of life.
The roots of Movement Medicine

The roots of Movement Medicine

Movement Medicine emerged from the space between us - from our quest to find or to found a healing modality that could help us humans live in peace with ourselves, each other and life. Here are some of our own personal stories about how we found the dancing key.

Join the Movement

Discover the journey of Movement Medicine in this 10 minute video which includes many voices from around the world who have been touched by this work .

And Receive A Free Embodiment Practice

In this 15 minute class, Ya'Acov Darling Khan will guide you through the triple-woven intelligence of your body, heart and mind to deepen your embodied experience.

Teacher Spotlight

Our professionals bring the benefits of Movement Medicine to people in many different contexts all around the world. Spotlights showcase professionals and their unique way of sharing their work.

Loes Velter

Hello, I am Loes Velter, I am 68 years old. I live in Eindhoven, in the southern part of the...

from the community

Movement Medicine contexts provide a special loving, accepting atmosphere which I haven’t experienced anywhere else. - Anita Novak, masseur, Hungary
Movement Medicine has benefited me in so many profound ways. I highly recommend it to you. - Tony Malcolm, A true seeker, UK
Movement Medicine restores my connection to myself, to the earth, to my ancestors, and to my fellow human beings and gives me back my power. - Mayumi Ataka, Kirtan Singer, Japan