how we got here
Any body of work stands on the shoulders of the countless generations of pioneers who laid the ground for the next step in evolution. So many people have been involved in the creation and ongoing evolution of Movement Medicine®.
In the case of Movement Medicine, as well as our teachers, it is the thousands upon thousands of people who have danced with us over the decades who have made such an enormous contribution to the evolution of Movement Medicine.
So our first gratitude is to you, the dancers - you have taught us, and allowed us to develop our work by dancing so deep and sharing your journey with us. Thank you! You are an integral part of the essence of Movement Medicine.

PAST admin team
A big thank you to all of you who have worked to bring this work into the world, in particular our extraordinary administrators. Without each of you, and your faith in us and the work, your dedicated work and support over so many years, this would simply not be. Thank you with all our heart. Working with each of you has been entirely integral to our lives.Thank you!
Bee Quick helped us begin and organised our first movement workshops in 1989 in London, just after we began what became an 18 year training and apprenticeship with Gabrielle Roth. Thank you Bee!

SuSanne Perks (1940-2015)
Susanne Perks was a gifted potter, artist, art therapist and yoga teacher who gave us encouragement, energetic support and administrative help in the crucial early years of our teaching: 1989 - 1994. Her faith in us was foundational to our work which eventually became Movement Medicine.
In 1994 Susanne had a massive aneurism which changed her life. Nevertheless she kept on living & dancing with grace, humour and strength. She will always dance in our hearts with gratitude and respect. Thank you Susanne!
Support and administrative help: 1989 - 1994
Roland Wilkinson
Roland Wilkinson contributed I.T. support when we began teaching 5 Rhythms in 1990 and received the 'baton' when Suzanne had her aneurism, running our organisational and administrative office until 2022. His vision and confidence when the School of Movement Medicine was born in 2007, as well as his ongoing admin work over the years is profoundly important to this path. Thank you Roland, go well!
Administrator and colleague: 1990 - 2022

Rosie Perks is a Movement Medicine Professional and graphic designer who brought her artistry to support Movement Medicine to become visible in the world. She designed the School of Movement Medicine website that has served so well from the birth of Movement Medicine in 2007 'till the re-birth of this new website in 2023. She also created the original 'Movement Medicine Association' website with generosity, skill and design flair. Thank you Rosie!
School of Movement Medicine graphic designer
Roland Wilkinson

Teaching Staff, Pathfinders & Faculty
We thank David Rose, Jo Hardy & Sue Kuhn - 3 highly skilled movement teachers and psychotherapists who helped us land this work at its birth and mentored so many of the first waves of MM Professionals.

Our Pathfinders, Mark Boylan, Caroline Carey & Christian de Sousa; all experienced 5 Rhythms teachers who evolved with us in Movement Medicine and who helped us develop our apprenticeship model and training structures. Thank you!

For many years, our school had a Faculty who helped us take Movement Medicine into the world and supported us to in so many ways. This included serving the growing MM Professional community so deeply and then letting these roles go when the time came for change. Clockwise from top left: Jo Hardy, Mark Boylan, Christian de Sousa, Catherine Wright, Rosie Perks, David Mooney, Yasia Leiserach & Ben Yeger. Thank you all!

Weronika Bednarczyk (Darling Nikki) has created several of the films on this website. We're sure you will agree, she's a very talented film-maker.

You can contact her here: [email protected]
And last but not least, big gratitude goes out to all generations of Apprentices, and all the Movement Medicine Professionals we have so far trained who have made such a deep commitment to this path and are part of its evolution. Thank you!