Death is in the Room

Ya’Acov Darling Khan
I write this on the eve of our 13th Summer Long Dance in what has been a challenging time for us as a family. As any of you who have been following Susannah’s very deep sharings...
5 July 2023
13 min read

Dorrie Joy's Story

Dorrie Joy
I’ve come home to this dance & mesa and found myself nourished and strengthened, again and again - for over a quarter of my life.  I am proud to have lived and grown alongside this...
13 June 2023
7 min read

Maaianne Knuth's Story

Maaianne Knuth
"If you really want to know about the dance I will have to tell you about the way it changed me slowly but  surely: from very practical aspects of becoming a better horseback rider and...
13 June 2023
11 min read

Vongayi Mashingaidze's Story

Vongayi Ishe Mashingaidze
The Tree People In 2017 I danced "The Arc Of Time” which is a Movement Medicine workshop with Susannah Darling Khan at Kufunda Village in Zimbabwe. During the sharing of the "messages from our ancestors" ...
12 June 2023
4 min read

The horses led me home

Susannah Darling Khan
The ponies have led me home again, and again, home to the heart, to stillness, to quietness, to peace. They teach me, again and again about trust and trust worthiness, about responsible leadership, about how...
7 June 2023
7 min read

Ya'Acov's June Newsletter

Ya’Acov Darling Khan
Strength, Sensitivity, and Overwhelm: Embracing the Ecstasy of Life We live in an era where our innate sensitivity, so long ignored and without a language for its expression, is beginning to emerge from its chrysalis...
7 June 2023
6 min read

Every Now and Then

Ya’Acov Darling Khan
A short offering from me this month. And a poem. Enjoy! I love my life. I genuinely do. It’s not that it’s easy. There are plenty of challenges in my day-to-day, as well as the...
3 May 2023
3 min read

one door closes....

Susannah Darling Khan
When we decided that, due to my father’s frailty, it was not right that I go to the Amazon in the beginning of this year several unexpected doors opened.  One was the experience of writing...
3 May 2023
6 min read

My Road to Emmaus (Mossley)

Susannah Darling Khan
Here is the short film of Richard Darlington (my Dad) speaking about the deep path and purpose of his life. We made the film in February 2023, when I didn't go to the Amazon with...
4 April 2023
4 min read

The Circle is Open

Ya’Acov Darling Khan
Last year, after three years without a Long Dance, and after more than a decade of dreaming of the Long Dance happening on Dartmoor, 180 hardy souls gathered at the Hillyfield Woodland farm to prepare. Though not...
17 March 2023
6 min read

Life on the road.... (again)

Ya’Acov Darling Khan
I remember the very first time I heard the words ‘Road Warrior.’  I was sat in a smoky, high-ceilinged room in a beautiful old country house called Highnam Court near Gloucester. My teacher, Batty Thunder Bear...
5 March 2023
7 min read

LetTing go and growing up #13

Susannah Darling Khan
My years in the Marine Corp gave me the solace of structure and comradeship and were a walk in the park compared with the childhood I had experienced. As an adult, I couldn’t find ease...
12 February 2023
6 min read