The Shadow and Light Marriage: Coming into harvest

Susannah Darling Khan
I’m feeling so grateful and blessed. I’ve been blessed with many wonderful teachers, colleagues, friends and family. My work has meaning for me, which is growing year by year, and more and more of what...
22 September 2015
10 min read

A Fork in the Road

Susannah Darling Khan
1982 was a pivotal year for me. It was the year I went to Medical School in Leeds. I hadn’t really wanted to be a doctor, but because I was good at science and had...
10 June 2015
7 min read

The Mothers and the Mystery

Susannah Darling Khan
By Susannah I received many responses to my ‘Super ego and the Soul’ article in the last newsletter (April edition) – thank you. All your responses were instructive and useful to me. Many of you...
13 May 2015
17 min read

Another Place, Another Culture, Another Story

Ya’Acov Darling Khan
Dear Movement Medicine Community, I am on my way to Japan. That’s further East than I’ve ever been before and it’s a fulfilment of a childhood dream. It’s another journey into the unknown. Another place....
13 May 2015
8 min read

In Memory of Susanne Perks (1940–2015)

Susannah Darling Khan
By Susannah and Ya'Acov Susanne Perks winged her way into our lives very early on in our relationship, in the late 1980s. She and Roland came into our lives before we started working with Gabrielle...
7 April 2015
8 min read

The Super-ego and the Soul

Susannah Darling Khan
This article may be a challenge to read. It’s deep stuff: the result of many years of study about the potency of our assumptions and the power of the negative way many of us talk...
7 April 2015
17 min read

The Wounded Healer

Susannah Darling Khan
The Wounded Healer                                                                ...
16 December 2014
9 min read

On Being a Woman Shamanic Practioner

Susannah Darling Khan
Tamara Sertic, one of our new Apprentices asked me to write about the journey of being a woman shamanic practioner. I found that a fascinating invitation, so below is my answer. Thank you Tamara for...
14 November 2014
18 min read

Letter From Susannah

Susannah Darling Khan
Dear Movement Medicine community, I want to thank you for all the support, understanding and love that I have received in my journey with my mother’s journey. She died on the 11th July after over...
10 October 2013
25 min read
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