Wild stories #10

Susannah Darling Khan
I learnt to use a machete for the first time. I tried to try peeling the yuca (manioc) to bring back to make Chicha (their sacred drink) and daily staple. OMG! It was an adventure....
4 January 2023
5 min read

Laughter, silence & river dolphins #11

Susannah Darling Khan
Ya’Acov makes some strange noises when he gives healings. We become aware of other noises, little snufflings and stifled chucklings. And then we realise that one end of the ceremonial house has become a gallery,...
3 January 2023
11 min read

Warriors and Dreamers #12

Susannah Darling Khan
Sumpa helped me open to a new dimension of light, and colour and it was SO beautiful. I felt like I was actually in a heavenly realm of such beauty and illumination. But light is...
2 January 2023
14 min read

LetTing go and growing up #13

Susannah Darling Khan
My years in the Marine Corp gave me the solace of structure and comradeship and were a walk in the park compared with the childhood I had experienced. As an adult, I couldn’t find ease...
1 January 2023
6 min read

Remembering Anna Halprin

Susannah Darling Khan
Anna Halprin, dancer, teacher and activist, has just died at the age of 100. She is one of the extra-ordinary grandmothers who have inspired our work and touched our lives with such beauty, wisdom and...
9 June 2021
0 min read

The Never-Ending (& humbling) journey of learning

Ya’Acov Darling Khan
by Ya'Acov In this article, Ya’Acov shares the challenges and learnings that these past six months have been personally, relationally and professionally. As we approach the next ‘open gate period’ (October 26-30) for 21 Gratitudes...
14 October 2020
10 min read

30th Wedding Anniversary

Susannah Darling Khan
We recently celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. Here are some extracts from our posts on Facebook about it. Thanks for all the support and love we’ve received over this anniversary. We feel it, appreciate it...
29 October 2019
2 min read

Thank You, Uncle Arthur

Susannah Darling Khan
By Susannah Darling KhanI was supremely lucky to have an Uncle and Aunt who were some of the first organic farmers of the modern era. Uncle Arthur and Aunty Liz’s small, 35 acre farm was...
23 September 2019
8 min read

Brexit and the Vagus Nerve

Susannah Darling Khan
By Susannah Darling Khan I’m in Copenhagen. I’ve been teaching “Embodied Leadership and Co-creation” with a wonderful group, in which I have been learning so much about the power of feeling safe to empower people...
10 April 2019
8 min read

Me, Earth and the Horses Who Have Led me Home

Susannah Darling Khan
By Susannah Darling Khan I was an unusual mix of a child. Energetic and full of beans, but at the same time shy, ethereal and not quite here. I needed ground and I knew it....
19 February 2019
11 min read

the menopause - what a bend!

Susannah Darling Khan
I am driving confidently along a mountain side, the road was good, clear and I am happily bowling along. But suddenly the road ahead darkens and I realise that I am coming up to a...
29 September 2018
7 min read

An Exquisite Day

Susannah Darling Khan
This was written the day after supporting the ‘send-off’ for the Vision Questers as they left home base, to go on their Vision Quest under Ya’Acov’s guidance. Yesterday was an exquisite day for me. In...
1 July 2018
8 min read