The Phoenix Retreat – Phoenix Medicine for Who We Are and the Times We Live In
A Movement Medicine Shamanic Journey with Susannah Darling Khan
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“Movement Medicine is an invitation to rise from the ashes of your suffering and evolve a new story that dignifies who you are and strengthens your love for and therefore, action on behalf of, the web of life.” Ya’Acov and Susannah Darling Khan
Fed up with playing the blame game? Ready to heal the wounds of the past? Looking for the courage to become more of who you are?
The Movement Medicine Phoenix process offers a humane, compassionate and powerful way to become (a little more!) conscious of our recurring unconscious patterns. Until we do this work they are our default modes, which almost always act as self fulfilling prophecies re-confirming what we can our often unexamined "story" of the way things are.
From this ground the Movement Medicine Phoenix journey allows us to uncover and attend to the roots of our default survival mechanisms. We learn how to honour them as our psyches best attempt to protect ourselves and life at the time of need and at the same time update them, through a deeply embodied, deeply felt process. This process can be profoundly transformative. Once learnt you can take it with you for your life.
The Phoenix process offers a methodology for an embodied, emotionally meaningful update of our "story" which can give us a fresh new lens through which to perceive life, orientated in possibility whilst grounded in actuality.
Past wounds can become potent medicine for us to live genuinely meaningful and creative lives or, they can be an undermining and powerful poison that saps the sense of soul from our lives, leaving us lost in confusion and an ongoing cycle of pain. Difficult as it may sometimes seem, the choice is ours to make.
The Phoenix Retreat invokes the power of phoenix medicine which can help you with this choice. Susannah brings her depth of understanding, clarity and gentleness to this process, so that we all can access levels of seen and unseen support which may be new to us, as we slip the bonds of pattern and embrace the power of choice and find the ground and inner compass to navigate in the unknown.
The phoenix is the central icon of Movement Medicine practice. It invites us to participate in the healing that is necessary for us to make the impossible possible, one step at a time. Whatever our individual and tribal wounds, we all have within us the power to overcome them and become part of a growing new story in which we recognise ourselves and each other as part of one global human family, all of us part of the web of life on which we all depend.
The Phoenix Retreat is one of the pre-requisites (along with Initiation) for Apprenticeship and Professional Training in Movement Medicine.
Please email Michael to for more information and to book your place now. There are limited numbers own this intensive and residential workshop.