Sat 22 Nov - Sun 23 Nov 2025
WALDORFSCHULE FREIBURG, 11 Bergiselstraße, Freiburg im Breisgau, BW, 79111
English and German - Deutsch
David Mooney: Click to Show Email.

Dance through and with the SEER process for soul retrieval: This is a strong and supportive process to release old structures that may be taking up a lot of energy and life force. Often these old ways of being were originally put in place for very good reason but are no longer needed. This is an opportunity to honour their service, release what is ready to be released and create space to call back gold of the soul and dream in more resonant ways of being and living in the world.

Dance into Movement Medicine Gold of the Soul ceremony for soulful healing, dreaming and creating.

Release old patterns, stuck emotions or core beliefs that may have been holding you back from being more fully yourself and alive to what you have to offer in this life.

Reclaim your own life energy or 'Gold of the Soul' that may be currently unavailable due to old patterns, beliefs or defences.