Kristin has been dancing with Ya'Acov und Susannah Darling Khan since 2001 and has trained with them since 2010. She is a fully qualified Movement Medicine teacher and followed all modules of Continued Professional Training at the School of Movement Medicine. In addition Kristin is a physiotherapist, mother and yoga teacher. She is also a coach and mentor. Kristin's understanding of the body supports her work and guidance in the dance. Her training of the mind and heart in buddhist meditation practice deepens her ability to hold space with compassion and care.
Kristin‘s call is to overcome the divide between body and mind and to establish dance as spiritual practice - fully embodying the living heart. She has worked as translator and organizer for Ya'Acov and Susannah Darling Khan since 2010. She teaches mainly in Basel and residential workshops. Kristin created her own album with 4 guided Movement Medicine dance journeys, called Klangkörper.
Kristin’s qualities are steadiness, anchored in stillness, a real quality of presence, inner peace, flowing with grace through obstacles. It feels safe to be around her in many ways: her rootedness, her bright consciousness and her humility, her way to be herself with what seems radical acceptance, a gift to love, to welcome our humanity with loving kindness. Kristin is reliable, very supportive and she takes care also of herself. All this creates a priceless holding that is both gentle and strong. I love her laughter. - Claire Renard, 5 Rhythms teacher and Movement Medicine teacher in training
Kristin schafft mit Präsenz, Liebe, Weisheit und ihrer wunderbaren Musikauswahl einen (Schutz)Raum, in dem Berührt-Sein, Entwicklung, Freude und Erkenntnis wachsen können. Das „Alles-darf-sein und nichts-muss“, das Kristin so wunderbar verkörpert, öffnet Räume und Möglichkeiten ohne etwas zu erzwingen. Dabei sind ihre wohltönende Stimme, die klare Sprache und ihr Humor eine sehr hilfreiche Unterstützung. - Ulrike, Tänzerin
Ich schätze besonders den geschützten Raum, den Kristin schafft. Mich inspirieren die Begegnungen mit der geistigen Welt und die Botschaften, die ich erhalten habe. - Maria, Tänzerin
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