Nicolas Bernard's story

Nicolas Bernard
After the intense journey between my graduation and the CPD ‘Heart and SEER' with Ya'acov and Susannah and the amazing community of Movement Medicine professionals, I return turned around, dedicated… and full of quiet gratitude…...
21 December 2023
3 min read

Anna Sierpowska's spotlight

Anna Sierpowska
A passionate practitioner (her) working with years of experience in assisting people in transformation as a certified Movement Medicine teacher and therapist. As an artist and space holder I work with the intention to open...
21 December 2023
2 min read


Ya’Acov Darling Khan
introduction Can it really be December already? Time seems to go by faster the older I get – my mum tells me that is not unusual. As we come to the end of the year,...
26 November 2023
12 min read

Kristin Glenewinkel's Spotlight

Kristin Glenewinkel
I am based in Basel, Switzerland. I am trained physiotherapist, yoga teacher and coach/mentor. My understanding of the body supports my work and guidance in the dance as well as in individual sessions and rituals...
17 November 2023
2 min read

Maaianne Knuth's spotlight

Maaianne Knuth
I am a Social Innovator working in Southern Africa. I am co-founder of Kufunda Learning Village where we work to help people and communities learn how to bring forward the wisdom of the whole
10 November 2023
2 min read

Of grief & prayer

Susannah Darling Khan
In the anguish of what is happening in Israel and in Gaza, it’s hard to see a way out or through. I know that I do not have any real idea how it is to...
31 October 2023
11 min read

Ria Bronte's Story

Ria Bronte
This poem is about a lot of my experiences attending Movement Medicine classes, in particular Susan Dalziel's Monday night class. It’s about how dance helps me process emotions and challenges in my life, become more...
27 October 2023
1 min read

War & Peace

Ya’Acov Darling Khan
37 Years of Marriage and the Road to Peace Greetings dear Movement Medicine Tribe, I’ve been travelling and teaching in Paris and Zurich over the past two weeks. I am super grateful to have such...
20 October 2023
9 min read

37 years in

Susannah Darling Khan
Ya’Acov and I are taking our annual holiday to celebrate our 37 years together and our 34th wedding anniversary. As we raise our heads from all the details of our work and look into each...
20 October 2023
2 min read

Ready? Steady? Go!

Ya’Acov Darling Khan
Hey there intrepid adventurers, I can’t believe that I’m about to celebrate more than 37 years of being with Susannah and as if that weren’t enough, I’m going to be 60 in less than half...
20 October 2023
8 min read

Lynn Campbell's Spotlight

Lynn Campbell
Lynn Campbell - Movement Medicine teacher, dance artist and Movement Psychotherapist living in Northumberland, UK.
23 August 2023
2 min read

The spirit of grief is with me

Susannah Darling Khan
It's now just over 6 weeks since my father died. And I'm feeling both so OK and so full of grief. As, with Lisa's help we clear the "stuff" of daily life, there are many...
16 August 2023
4 min read
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