Wed 11 Dec 2024
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm (CET)
Studio onestep, Studio one step 18/20 rue Faubourg du Temple Paris 11ème, paris, France, 75011
French - français
Clement Loget: Click to Show Email.
This event ended on Wed 11 Dec 2024.


For this class there is every Wednesday a conscious dance class, twice a month it is me, once a month it is Apsara Le Huy (Movement Medicine) and once a month it is Olivia Colboc (not MM anymore but she trained in MM).

Be careful : Sometimes I bridge the movement  with sitting and walking meditation, I am really inspired for that by my own mindfulness meditation path, I am also really inspired by some Openfloor process for this work (an other school of conscious dance). I plan just few day before what we will explore so check on my website few days before to have more info,  sometimes it is closer to movement medicine sometimes not.

I can give a bit of instruction in English if it is need but it will be manly in French.

You can check it out on my website to get more detail (, if you can't read French on my website send me an email : [email protected]

