This weekend workshop is for couples who wish to deepen the love, intimacy and sexual fulfilment in the space between them. Get ready to F.U.C.K. it up together in our introductory online weekend workshop – where we’ll access the unbroken intelligence of the body-heart-mind to forge understanding, communication, and kinship in the space between you.
Imagine a weekend where you're not just passing the remote but sharing insights, tears, laughter, and learning with other couples on the ‘relationship as spiritual practice’ path. We’ll be ditching the tantra textbooks and diving straight into the heart of what makes love work – and let’s be honest, it's not just remembering to put the toilet seat down.
No previous experience is required, just the commitment to give it a go and learn how embodied practice can support you to deepen your intimacy, and through that, improve your sex life.

Your Teachers
Hosted by Ya’Acov and Susannah Darling Khan (because who knows better than those who’ve weathered the storm and still throw epic kitchen dance parties after 38 years?), this workshop will introduce you to their Movement Medicine work for couples.
Ya’Acov & Susannah have been together since 1986. Their relationship journey and marriage is an epic tale of adventure, ongoing evolution (often born of crisis), and forging pathways that few couples dare to travel. In this intensive journey, they will share with you some of the basics that make for excellent foundations for any couple.
Fri 22 Nov: 5.00 - 7.30pm
Sat 23 Nov: 11am-1.30pm & 3.30 - 6.30pm + In your own time: Bedroom practice
Sun 24 Nov: 11am-1.30pm & 3.30 - 7.30pm
Friday Evening Session:
Introduction, break-outs with another couple, intro to Movement Medicine: Where are we as a couple?
Saturday Morning Session:
Movement Practice and Working with E-Motion
Saturday Afternoon Session:
Next steps and prep for evening ritual (private and offline)
Saturday Evening Session:
Time together in the privacy of your own space to be together and make love
Sunday Morning Session:
Check in
Sunday Afternoon:
Visioning and Re-Commitment ritual, integration and completion
in the pot:
- A safe space that bows to your courage, and is so welcoming, nurturing, and fascinating that even your inner teenager will come out of their room.
- Time to get a little dose of the Movement Medicine practice that's at the heart of our relationship, to listen, feel, and let go, supportively and clearly held by Susannah & Ya’Acov
- Movement Medicine teaching and practice to support your autonomy, responsibility, connection and capacity to communicate clearly in relationship
- Time to gather the resources needed to understand, own and move through what we call the shadow marriage, those places we all know that are part of any longterm relationship
- A chance to revision and re-commit to a new chapter between you, accompanied by fantastic music and clear guidance
relationship as spiritual practice
In this short video from a talk they gave in Poland, Ya'Acov and Susannah talk about their relationship as spiritual practice. They share some of the stories from the front line of love. It will give you a sense of who they are and how they work.
Tools you will learn:
- Movement Medicine practice that will take you underneath the stories and right to the embodied heart of the space between you.
- An introduction to the 5 basic rules of relationship that are sure to stop the part of you that wants to carry on with the ‘it’s all your fault’ story in their tracks
- Insight and tips on navigating what we call the shadow marriage with a touch more responsibility and humour
No experience? No problem. The only prerequisites are a sense of adventure and the willingness to stay till the end credits roll. Confidentiality is assured and all the juicy stuff happens in the privacy of your own home out of sight of your zoom camera.
If you’re ready to wake up your ideas of what might be possible (how does ‘sex getting better and better the more intimacy you create and the longer you are together’ sound?), and transform the space between you from an uneasy truce or battleground, into a playground, then this weekend might be the first step on what we know as the best game in town.
- You BOTH want to deepen the potential of your relationship through honest self-reflection, communication and practice
- You both want to work in a focused way with an international group of committed couples
- You both have the mental and emotional stability and resources to engage in potentially challenging personal work and stay safe. If you have any doubt about this, please check with your doctor or health care professional
- You both want to work with a grounded, inspiring, step-by-step approach to relationship with a couple who have ‘walked the boards’ and who have a lot of experience of working with couples
- You both want to develop listening practices to help cultivate a healthier and more honest relationship
- You are both curious about Movement Medicine and how it can support you to Stand up, Grow Up and Play Your Role more in these times of change
- You believe that intimacy and therefore sex can get better the longer you are together
love is the fuel
Love is the fuel of a life well lived. And you can learn from each other how to make love in ever deeper and more real and satisfying ways. From our experience we can tell you that the harvest of Forging Understanding, Communication and Kinship in the Space Between Us has been beyond our wildest dreams. All you need is a little courage, curiosity and determination to take your relationship to the next level.