Fri 15 Nov - Sun 17 Nov 2024
6:30 pm (GMT)
Russian Hall, 600 Campbell Ave, Vancouver, Canada, BC V6A 3K1
Bettina Rothe: Click to Show Email.
Regular Tuition: $395
Canadian $$: Contribute to our Scholarship Fund + Tuition: $425 or Reduced Tuition for Students, Seniors or Underemployed: $345

Ecstasis, literally meaning ‘to stand outside oneself,’ is a state that has been available to humans across culture and time. We take standing outside ourselves to mean a state in which we are can see the bigger picture in which our lives exist. Ecstasis can arise at any time, and it tends to give deeper context and meaning to our lives. It can refer to grief as well as joy and through it, we can gain valuable insight and guidance into our lives and what actually matters most to us.

Movement Medicine is an embodied practice rooted in the ancient traditions and contemporary expressions of ecstatic dance and alchemy.

As we will still be relatively close to the ancient Celtic Festival of Samhain, a time when it is said the veil between the world is at its thinnest, this is the perfect opportunity to deepen our relationship with those who came before us. Ecstasis via the dance is an excellent way to meet our ancestors and to remember why a good relationship with them is considered a necessity amongst so many indigenous traditions.

During this weekend journey, you will:

  • Cultivate an intimate connection with the triple-woven wisdom of the body-heart-mind through interoceptive practice.
  • Touch into the rich history and origins of ecstatic dance, rediscovering its timeless capacity to heal, connect, and transform.
  • Foster self-awareness and enhance your capacity for authentic connection with your body-heart-mind and the space and people around you.
  • Reawaken your innate connection to the elements, all of which can be powerful allies in your capacity to dance with what life brings.
  • Participate in an all-day Movement Medicine ceremony, rooted in grounded ecstasis and dialogue with the wisdom and experience of our ancestors.

After the ceremony, we will take the time to integrate the experience so you can bring the wisdom gained back into the fertile ground of your day-to-day life.

Tuition Assistance:

In our ongoing effort to offer Movement Medicine to peoples with varying financial realities, we are offering a few tuition assisted spaces. If you would like to receive an application, please contact the Organizer. All information will be held confidential.

Payment Plans:

A deposit of $100 is required to reserve your space for this popular workshop. If you would like to arrange for a payment plan, please contact the Organizer directly.