Movement Medicine Ceremony is a blend of ancient wisdom and contemporary somatic practices to connect with the sacredness and magic of life through the gateway of dance, imagination and the beautiful practices of Movement Medicine. Dance, sing and pray in ceremony together for your own dreams, for loved ones, for communities and for all our relations past present and future.
The Autumn Equinox is traditionally a space for ceremony and community since ancient times to tune into the dance of nature. Nature is a manifestation of the divine and we are made from nature's elements. Dancing them is a way to connect directly to our deepest truth, to nature around us and to the nature of existence. The deeper we dance, the more directly we experience the reality of the interconnected nature of all life. We dance in ceremony to nourish our souls in a sacred space for being, dreaming and healing.
Equinox, meaning ‘equal’ - between day and night - the ceremony will be in the spirit of balance and reciprocity over one day and one night. There will be time to dance deep, connect together, rest and experience beauty and soulful goodness.
DATE: 20-22 September 2024 I schedule to be confirmed
with the night of the 21st being part of the ceremony
VENUE: Budapest, Hungary
COST: 190 € / 140 € if booked with deposit of 50€ by 31st March
INFO & REGISTRATION: [email protected]