Tue 28 Jan 2025
7:30 pm - 10:00 pm (GMT)
Botel Marina, U Libeňského mostu 1, Prague, Czechia, 18000
Czech - čeština and English
Miroslava Janicatova: Click to Show Email or +420605358021.
This event ended on Tue 28 Jan 2025.

Dancing on the boat will draw you into its flowing rhythm and engaging atmosphere of Prague, while you will feel as if you are in nature in connection with the elements. Come to stop for a while, have refreshments, relax and meet friends.

➤19:30 - 20:00 - warm up
➤20:00 - 20:10 - opening circle
➤20:10 - 21:30 - dance wave from MIRAAJA
➤21:30 - 21:50 - soundhealing (different guest every week)
➤22:00 closing cyrcle

Entry into the world of engaging music and ecstatic dance Movement Medicine. The dance takes you and carries you through different rhythms, flow or calm, until you reach a state of freedom, full body experience or rest.