Fri 26 Jan 2024
7:00 pm - 9:30 pm (GMT)
This event ended on Fri 26 Jan 2024. A live recording now available!

Imbolc Tribal Heart Ceremony

Online ceremonies occur eight times a year to align us with the seasons and cycles of the year. These events are a space to let go, dance your socks off and embody your prayers. If you're new to Movement Medicine these ceremonies are a wonderful way to get a feel for what it's all about - Everyone is welcome! Hosted inside the Study Hub, you can purchase a single ticket if you're not a member. Or become a member and take advantage of all the benefits of the Study Hub including all online ceremonies and Study Hub lessons.

Return of the Light

Imbolc marks the promise of a new cycle as the light begins to return. Please bring with you all that you have been cultivating through January’s Dreaming in the Dark, so we can strengthen your intentions and dreams for the year ahead at this first light of year ceremony. As always, we will include our awareness of what is happening in the wider world in our ceremony, give it all back to the dance and alchemise it all into embodied prayer that can guide our action over the weeks ahead.


For those who wish, you can have the interactive experience through the zoom link. There will also be an optional sharing all together on zoom directly after the event. For those who wish to be more private, tune into the stream, link up to some good speakers and let's do this and lift up an embodied prayer that echoes through the roots, trunk and branches of the Tree of Life.

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