Dreaming in the Dark
Our focus this month is the dance of commitment. Commitment is one of those words that makes some shudder with fear whilst others seem to feel motivated by its clarity. We like to use the New Year to check in as deeply as we can with where we are at; to let go, to celebrate what we can, and to recommit for the year ahead. Sadly, most new year commitments don't last beyond the 1st 10 days of a new year. Maybe this is partly because most of them come from emotional realisations or reactions rather than core values.
To support you with finding commitments that are aligned with those core values, we will use the 9 Gateways that make up the branches of the Movement Medicine Tree of Life in a specially extended Live Class guided journey on Mon Jan 8. As always, Yin and Yang are doing their thing wherever we look - and wherever we don't for that matter. Acceptance and intention - the twin powers of commitment - will therefore also be at the core of our focus. Bring your winter dreaming bowl and your dancing body and let's make this month the solid foundation for the year ahead.