I-Thou: Heart to Heart COMMUNICATION
with Susannah
We'll be tuning into what responsible and embodied communication means. What does it mean to speak with respect for my circle and for yours? What does it mean to bring together body heart and mind, in my active communication as well as my deep listening?
How can I strengthen my own expression whilst, at the same time, respecting your autonomy and self-determination? We'll be strengthening the "semipermeable" membrane of our media space, our boundary by practising how to say a clear and congruent 'yes' and 'no'.
This is about the kind of intimacy that is not about confluence (merging) which can also be beautiful- but its a different thing. This kind of intimacy (in-to-me-see) is about seeing each other from the ground of owning one's own being, one's own circle and from there opening the channel of communication.
This month's lesson is the counter-part to the practice of embodied listening.