Sat 20 Apr - Sat 27 Apr 2024
9:00 pm (UK Time)
Finca Argayall, baranco de Argaga, La Gomera, Canary Islands, 38870
This event ended on Sat 27 Apr 2024.

How to bear the unbearable?
With this question we are facing the agony of war, the pain of loss and the seemingly paradoxical truth that there is joy and happiness possible at the same time.
The answer arises when we take the courage to face and feel the whole range of emotions. When we understand that there are no negative or positive emotions, that essentially they are Energy in Motion.

Join me for HEART SPACE, a weeklong residential retreat from April 20th till 27th at beautiful Finca Argayall - La Gomera

In this week you are invited to dance with your fear, your anger, your sadness, your joy. Each of these emotions at home in one chamber of the heart in the MOVEMENT MEDICINE ® Mandala.
Choosing to go there, supported by the elements each chamber is connected to and exploring the shapes and moves and expressions, we get to know the alchemical process of transforming them into powerful life enhancing qualities.
We are training and expanding our emotional intelligence and find a way to the core of compassion at the very centre of our heart.
So that next time we get triggered and trauma kicks in, we are better equipped and able to move with it, through it and out of it again.
The path towards peace, within us, around us and in the world, starts with this work.
Let's do it together.