30 September 2024
5 min read

It is with great respect and sorrow that I share that Sumpa has died. At this moment I want to celebrate who this man was and what he means to Ya'Acov and myself.

Sumpa is one of the Achuar elders we have been privileged to work with. Sumpa was an extraordinary Shaman, elder and man of the heart. I knew him as exquisitely sensitive, gentle and celestial in his medicine and at the same time what he brought was irrefutably fierce when needed. Working with him, for me, was always sweet medicine and often so confronting at the same time. I felt seen and supported in my spirit by him in rare ways. And I bring this with me always. Thank you Sumpa!

Sumpa in 2018

I am deeply grateful to have had the opportunity to journey with him, in the Amazon, under the stars. I'm sad to know that we will not meet again in this lifetime. When the picture below was taken, we were with David Tucker (who has also passed) on one of the incredible Pachamama Journeys. It was shortly after Sumpa's wife had died and Sumpa was simply sad.

Susannah, Sumpa, David Tucker, Ya'Acov

He told us that he was very happy to see us, as holding ceremonial space for us reminded him of why he was still alive, even though she was no longer with him. In keeping with the tradition of their people, Sumpa's wife was buried under the house so that her spirit would always be there with the family. I imagine Sumpa will be buried there too. I send my respect to the Achuar people and to his family who I know will miss his wisdom, humour and love greatly.

I am sure that all those who have been touched by his life wish him the very best onward journey into the great round. Fly free Sumpa!

For more about Sumpa, his people and the Pachamama Alliance see The Amazon Blog called 'Warriors and Dreamers'.

Long Dance!

I also want to celebrate the Long Dance of 2024 and all those who made it such an epic Long Dance, and by that I mean everyone who was there. I love this deep community vibe in which we all host and are all hosted and in which we all can travel so deep. I take my hat off to you all. In the words of Belen; "It was deep, grounded and cosmic". Yes. And now there is even a little film. Bookings will soon be open for the 2025 Long Dance and we look forward to lifting up a strong prayer of lightness and depth - together.

Receiving the echo (with Manari) Long Dance 2024

Movement Medicine Professional Training

I also want to celebrate the recent Professional Training (Module 1) and all those fine people who are training with us to hold space for others (watch this space!)

Movement Medicine does not offer 'fast food' training. To train to hold space for others in this work, we have rigorous pre-requisites which mean you have to have brought your whole self to the dance floor and worked with the depths of your own psyche, your biography, your patterns and come to know yourself and your inner territories. It is being willing to do this level of deep inner work that grows the roses! And of course this inner journey never ends.

And, we are beginning to recognise that this depth (which takes real time) is one of the distinguishing features of Movement Medicine. It is reflected in our training programme and is upheld by the high professional requirements of the Movement Medicine Association.

This module was the first time that we had held a professional training in which the majority of trainees had not done their Apprenticeship with us, but with the deeply skilled Apprentice leaders: David Mooney, Yasia Leiserach and Anne Ena Bernard. Their next Apprenticeships begin next year, and the next Professional Training begins in early 2027. And I am (and this is rare) offering a residential 'Phoenix Retreat' (one of the other pre-requisites) in Germany, April 8-13 2025. Maybe see you there!

African medicine
I celebrate Maaianne Knuth's beautiful Hub lesson - from a learning village in Zimbabwe to the global learning village of the Movement Medicine Study Hub. This first Hub lesson from outside Europe feels like a pivotal moment for me, and I am so grateful for the energy, wisdom and vibration of Africa that Maaianne has brought in. Thank you Maaianne! For those of you who missed it, don't worry, Hub lessons are recorded and the social vibrations Maaianne shared with us all are there in the recordings and dance guidance for members for the long term.

Sikhethiwe, Maaianne and Kufunda dogs dancing the Live Class

Pony puppet medicine

I have had ridiculous fun and made myself laugh out loud many times creating the next episode of the Movement Medicine Study Hub journey. The theme was the Yin and Yang of Fulfilment, such an intimately personal matter for each of us I think. "What really matters to you about how you life your life?" - "What really makes YOU feel fulfilled?" As I recorded the Keynote, I realised there were other perspectives that I wanted to include, and inviting Ivor the pony puppet to join in freed it all up for me. Some of you will already know him from the "Ivor and Two Bridges" film. He seems to have enjoyed this new episode of our collaboration as much as I have. I hope you do too!

Ivor the pony puppet & Susannah (Study Hub - Fulfilment)

The Samhain Tribal Heart ceremony is in aid of Combatants for Peace, the extraordinary organisation dedicated to making "a way out of no way". Come and be part of this prayer for peace and acknowledgement and support of those from different "sides" who works together across the divides. Come and dance, come and pray, come and be part of this as we invite us all to ask our ancestors and descendants for guidance.

And I'm very much looking forward to seeing some of you at Metamorphosis (Netherlands - Oct 18 - 20). For all our upcoming events.

I very much look forward to sharing the dance with you; online, in the room or both!

Thanks for sharing your attention with me,

Susannah Darling Khan

Susannah Darling Khan

Susannah's life is dedicated to the quest for a world where beauty and compassion flourish....