30th Wedding Anniversary

Susannah Darling Khan
We recently celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. Here are some extracts from our posts on Facebook about it. Thanks for all the support and love we’ve received over this anniversary. We feel it, appreciate it...
29 October 2019
2 min read

Thank You, Uncle Arthur

Susannah Darling Khan
By Susannah Darling KhanI was supremely lucky to have an Uncle and Aunt who were some of the first organic farmers of the modern era. Uncle Arthur and Aunty Liz’s small, 35 acre farm was...
23 September 2019
8 min read

Brexit and the Vagus Nerve

Susannah Darling Khan
By Susannah Darling Khan I’m in Copenhagen. I’ve been teaching “Embodied Leadership and Co-creation” with a wonderful group, in which I have been learning so much about the power of feeling safe to empower people...
10 April 2019
8 min read

Me, Earth and the Horses Who Have Led me Home

Susannah Darling Khan
By Susannah Darling Khan I was an unusual mix of a child. Energetic and full of beans, but at the same time shy, ethereal and not quite here. I needed ground and I knew it....
19 February 2019
11 min read

the menopause - what a bend!

Susannah Darling Khan
I am driving confidently along a mountain side, the road was good, clear and I am happily bowling along. But suddenly the road ahead darkens and I realise that I am coming up to a...
29 September 2018
7 min read

An Exquisite Day

Susannah Darling Khan
This was written the day after supporting the ‘send-off’ for the Vision Questers as they left home base, to go on their Vision Quest under Ya’Acov’s guidance. Yesterday was an exquisite day for me. In...
1 July 2018
8 min read

An Ancestor Speaks

Susannah Darling Khan
By Susannah DK and Dick S. Darlington Some time again my father gave me this piece of writing from my grandfather, his father: Dick Samuel Darlington, who died before I was born. Meeting him in...
14 June 2018
13 min read

Would the Girl that I was be Proud of the Woman I Have Become?

Susannah Darling Khan
One of the incredible assistants in the recent Apprenticeship ‘Immersion’ module wore a striking tee-shirt with these words on the back: “Est-ce le petit garçon que tu étais, fier de l'homme que tu es devenu?”:...
26 March 2018
6 min read

The Power of the Pause

Susannah Darling Khan
Here is Ivor – one of my two new teachers of love, patience and leadership from the heart. He is one of those flighty, extremely sensitive and easily defensive type of Exmoor ponies. Today I...
7 February 2018
3 min read

Ending the Blame Game

Ya’Acov Darling Khan
It’s the Jewish new year this week. It has always felt right to me that the new year begins in the autumn. It’s such a time of change. I love the sweet melancholy that accompanies...
23 September 2017
9 min read

A Postcard from my Learning Edge

Susannah Darling Khan
Dear all, I’m going to try and share something about our relationship as we are evolving in it. Enough of you have asked me searching questions in a particular vein to make me feel that...
23 September 2017
15 min read

Becoming the Jaguar

Ya’Acov Darling Khan
Why so much fuss? – it’s just a book after all … Yes, indeed it is, just a story. Here’s another one: When I was in the Amazon four years ago alongside Susannah and our...
4 June 2017
8 min read