Of grief & prayer

Susannah Darling Khan
In the anguish of what is happening in Israel and in Gaza, it’s hard to see a way out or through. I know that I do not have any real idea how it is to...
31 October 2023
11 min read

37 years in

Susannah Darling Khan
Ya’Acov and I are taking our annual holiday to celebrate our 37 years together and our 34th wedding anniversary. As we raise our heads from all the details of our work and look into each...
20 October 2023
2 min read

The spirit of grief is with me

Susannah Darling Khan
It's now just over 6 weeks since my father died. And I'm feeling both so OK and so full of grief. As, with Lisa's help we clear the "stuff" of daily life, there are many...
16 August 2023
4 min read

Laying my father to rest

Susannah Darling Khan
I'm sharing this here for those who have been following my very common place human story of losing a parent. At the same time, having a parent who approaches death with the sanguinity and acceptance...
20 July 2023
6 min read

The horses led me home

Susannah Darling Khan
The ponies have led me home again, and again, home to the heart, to stillness, to quietness, to peace. They teach me, again and again about trust and trust worthiness, about responsible leadership, about how...
7 June 2023
7 min read

one door closes....

Susannah Darling Khan
When we decided that, due to my father’s frailty, it was not right that I go to the Amazon in the beginning of this year several unexpected doors opened.  One was the experience of writing...
3 May 2023
6 min read

My Road to Emmaus (Mossley)

Susannah Darling Khan
Here is the short film of Richard Darlington (my Dad) speaking about the deep path and purpose of his life. We made the film in February 2023, when I didn't go to the Amazon with...
4 April 2023
4 min read

It has begun #1

Susannah Darling Khan
These Amazon Blogs (#1 - #13) are arranged as a story in chronological order. They were written in 2023. We are in that quiet pause after Christmas and before New Year, we went slowly enough...
1 February 2023
4 min read

Shaking on the way #2

Susannah Darling Khan
We walked into the airport and looked at each other with some alarm. We both had the same feeling that the floor was moving and we’d both come to the same conclusion that there was...
15 January 2023
3 min read

Of love and loss and going home #3

Susannah Darling Khan
As the tiny plane takes off from the airstrip and soars over the forest, leaving behind the last roads and pipeline, tears spring from my eyes, and there is, simultaneously, a feeling of entering the...
14 January 2023
6 min read

Sliding into Walls and Kettle Bells!

Susannah Darling Khan
As we come to the end of this challenging year, I've been reflecting on the experiences, the learning, the growth and the gratitude that I can find for 2022. And there is so much. At...
13 January 2023
4 min read

We are connected #4

Susannah Darling Khan
Manari greets us. He talks quietly, gently, slowly and when he speaks I find myself listening in a new way. It's as if he is transmitting on another wavelength which I've unconsciously longed for but...
12 January 2023
11 min read