Yumiko Kageura

MM Professional Teacher
Based in Kanagawa, Japan
MM Qualifications
Apprenticeship 2017
Professional Training 2018
Heart & SEER CPD 2023
Formats Offered
1 day retreat

Yumiko Kageura

Born in Tokyo in 1974, raised in Yokohama. After graduating from the University, I joined an Insurance company. I had experience in both sales and office work at corporate sales and personal sales departments. I enjoyed to work there, but sometimes working too hard and damaging my body, and searching for ways to work to my fullest without damaging my body.

In the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake, I began to engage in activities outside of the company, answering the question "What does it mean to live?" that I had had since I was a child. I studied facilitation, coaching and growing the inner leadership. I retired after 20 years (September 2015) in order to live a true life. After I retires, I listens to my body's cries against the way his thoughts dominate, and realizes the importance of facing my own body.

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