Véronique Champalou

MM Professional Teacher
Based in Paris, France
MM Qualifications
Apprenticeship 2012
Professional Training 2013
Graduation 2016
Heart & SEER CPD 2016
Ceremony CPD 2017
Phoenix CPD 2018
Formats Offered

Véronique Champalou

I grew up in a context where the expression of who I was through e-motion, intuition, creativity where not welcome at all. I did not feel safely held in my process of growing either. I did not find space for the ultra sensitive child I was. At the same time, unconsciously, my soul knew something else was waiting for me...

At the age of 27, I began the practise of yoga in parallel with a psychoanalysis.

That was a big step in my spiritual evolution. The second one arised for my 45th birthday - two weeks after the death of my father - as I attended to my first Movement Medicine workshop with Susannah. A re-volution for my body, heart, spirit and soul. I felt home.

Movement Medicine has been the most powerful, healing, shamanic growing process, in a compassionate and joyful community, and so much more. I immediately felt the call to train. Five years after, I taught my first Movement Medicine class! Ten years after, I led many classes and workshops in France, Switzerland and others places in Europe. When I teach Movement Medicine, my soul feels at home as well my body heart mind in the presence of here and now. I am so happy to be part of the School of Movement Medicine community, to share my medicine with my unicity.

I am also a shamanic practitioner, psycho-therapist and author.

Mitakuye Oyasin,

Upcoming Events

Merci Véronique pour tous ces champs d'explorations-expérimentations que nous avons ouvert ensemble tout au long de ces années. Ta confiance et ton goût du non-connu, m'ont permis de découvrir que l'énergétique pratiquée à distance peut avoir un impact plus fort encore qu'en présentiel ! Et que la danse "in the room" m'a ouvert à oser danser ma danse quelque soit sa forme. Les ateliers, stages et séances avec toi ont déliés des freins puissants et m'ont fait grandir en liberté. Merci Merci Merci ! - Laure, Versailles, France