I discovered dancing ‘officially’ when I was 3 years old. Dancing was always my go to source of pleasure, fun, creative expression and exercise. The first time I stepped into a dance meditation class in London in Dec 2003 I felt I had found my practice, my spiritual path, my community, and my medicine — I couldn't believe my luck — it was if it had been made just for me.
After being seduced in my early 20’s by the apparent liberation of hormonal contraception, thankfully my deep instinctual knowing broke through that illusion and in 2003 I took my first conscious step of awakening into the power of menstruality. When I came off hormonal contraception my feeling life exploded into glorious technicolour. I came alive in ways I had not known before, as though I were discovering myself for the first time. I uncovered, to my amazement, an exquisite rhythmic dance that lives inside my body — my menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycle awareness became my daily mindfulness practice and continues to yield untold wisdom.
The return of my cycle awoke a real excitement in me and I felt compelled to weave my discoveries of it into all aspects of my life and work. In 2009 I began working with Alexandra Pope and together we co-founded Red School where we teach on the inherent and exquisite power that resides within the menstrual cycle.
I have been deeply engaged for most part of the past 15 years in a conscious dance practice which has never failed me. Along with menstrual cycle awareness, this is my medicine and I’m hooured to have begun training with Susannah and Ya’Acov darling Khan in 2011 as a Movement Medicine Facilitator. Since I began dancing with them in 2004 I have landed in my body, grown into my heart and stepped into epicentre of my life.
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