Silvana Rigobon

MM Professional Teacher
Based in Friuli, Italy
MM Qualifications
Apprenticeship 2009
Professional Training 2011
Graduation 2014
Heart & SEER CPD 2016
Ceremony CPD 2017
Phoenix CPD 2018
Initiation CPD 2019
Embodied Listening CPD 2021
Apprenticeship CPD 2022
Formats Offered
Team building
Online journeys
Online co-working
Ceremonies and rituals

Silvana Rigobon

Silvana means "of the Forest". She loves trees and her land, Friuli.

She is passionate about cycles, circles and circumferences.

Her vision is to honor the cycles of life, supporting the intergenerational eco-system that makes a community stronger.

Silvana is a dreamweaver and she shared her vision on a TEDx talk: a change of narrative on the topic of the female body, and a future that is more human, where intergenerational groups of people dance and sing around the fire.

In her facilitation she combines the maps of Movement Medicine™ , Menstruality, People Permaculture and Theory U. She is the co-founder of Movement Medicine Italia and the Community Weaver of Conscious Dance Italy.

Her 21 gratitudes go to a song by Gabrielle Roth, that crossed her path "by chance", during a meditation, in 2006. The song was “Refuge", and one step at a time it’s taking her Home.

Upcoming Events

Thank you for holding another powerfully healing session. I felt so greateful. It was easy to trust and let go (of self-censorship, self-expectations etc.). And just be and experience my movement and myself in a whole Totality. Just as it is. Just as I am, on the day: exhausted, desperate, so very hopeful, loving, playful, fool-like and childlike... Thank you for unconditionally accepting my presence, supporting me and seeing me. And for teaching me by example how to do the same for other Women and other people. - Wiesia Anna Kratiuk