Petra van Wickeren

MM Professional Teacher & Facilitator
Based in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
MM Qualifications
Apprenticeship 2017
Professional Training 2018
Shapeshifter CPD 2019
Embodied Listening CPD 2021
Graduation 2022
Heart & SEER CPD 2023
Formats Offered

Petra van Wickeren

Petra is a dancer, dreamer, and enthusiast of life. Her journey with Movement Medicine® began in 2015, leading her to become a dedicated Movement Medicine® Teacher & Facilitator. What captivated her was the powerful blend of indigenous wisdom, Gestalt therapy, and neuroscience within Movement Medicine®. This unique mix brought profound changes to Petra's life, particularly as someone accustomed to the fast-paced and performance-driven lifestyle of a "business warrior." Through Movement Medicine®, she found a new rhythm, fostering a deeper appreciation for life's simplicity and a strong connection with her softer, feminine side.

Now, Petra seamlessly integrates the healing aspects of Movement Medicine® into her role as a solution-focused systemic business coach and consultant, a profession she has been dedicated to since 1998. Her personal insights, coupled with the holistic approach of Movement Medicine®, provide a fresh perspective on personal and organizational change processes. Clients appreciate Petra for being "refreshing, professional, and equipped with a diverse set of methodological approaches." In her facilitation and coaching, she creates spaces that encourage openness and a different way of listening to oneself and others.

Besides that, Petra enjoys sharing Movement Medicine® through workshops, focusing on themes like resilience and the celebration of the year's transition. Applied in several arenas of life, Movement Medicine® becomes a practical tool for personal and professional growth, making a tangible impact on those she guides.

Upcoming Events

Through Movement Medicine with Petra, I enter meditative states; my (overly dominant brain) holds back, finds calmness, and my body expresses what I feel. I come into harmony with myself and the universe. Petra opens up free spaces—free from judgment—where I can move as I feel, liberated from any missionary agenda! She doesn't seek to convert me or push me in a particular direction. After each dance session, I feel more liberated, relaxed, rooted, pure, and happier. - Sandra Jochheim