Patricia Mihalyi

MM Professional Teacher
Based in Pest, Hungary
MM Qualifications
Apprenticeship 2016
Professional Training 2018
Shapeshifter CPD 2019
Heart & SEER CPD 2023
Formats Offered
Drop-in class
Weekend workshop
Ongoing group
Online class

Patricia Mihalyi

“This is not the truth” - YDK

Patricia has been deeply involved with different modalities of conscious movement and body based therapies for the past 25+ years. Her passion for learning, healing and growing led her through the diverse landscapes of 5rhythms, authentic movement, body mind centering and Japanese sword.

Being a certified shiatsu therapist and seasoned dancer she is confidently rooted in her movement-, and meditation practice, just as well as in the stories and the memories of her homeland, Hungary. Also holding a Master Degree in Language and Literature, her teaching is infused with poetic wisdom, witty humour and a sense of relativity.

Known for her spacious instructions and creativity in musical choices she guides participants to embody and own more and more freedom and courage. Her weekend workshops and retreats - Eternity, Deep Down and Lifestream - are designed to answer the emergent needs of her own community while offering timeless treasures to dancers to find and take home.

As a dancer, Movement Medicine® professional, and organiser she has the same goal and principle: learning to see wider perspectives, go beyond the known and embrace the impossible.

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