Kata Mathe

MM Professional Teacher
Based in Pest, Hungary
MM Qualifications
Apprenticeship 2019
Professional Training 2021
Embodied Listening CPD 2021
Heart & SEER CPD 2023
Formats Offered
Drop-in classes
Ongoing groups

Kata Mathe

For Kata, dance is the shortest way to freedom and connection to herself and the world. The most natural pathway to presence.

A visual artist and a single mother of two teenage boys, she learnt to ground her dreams and work steadily to bring them to the earth. While she's been working in her own business as a freelance graphic facilitator and focusing on mothering her kids, dance has been both a refuge and a catalysator for growth.

Movement Medicine has been supporting her for many years to be more and more herself. It taught her to get to know and express her yes-es and no-s; it taught her to connect and to draw boundaries; to make instinctive decisions; to move with emotions: to connect to her softness, her strength, her joy, her anger, her fears and her longings. It’s been helping her to feel day by day she's not an isolated little atom but part of something bigger and so to live her life courageously: with less holding on and more trust, with less anxiety and more spontaneity.

This is why she teaches. To hand on what dance has been bringing into her life. Her teaching is rooted in her own regular practice: both at home, by herself, and in groups, together with others.

She offers open classes, ongoing groups and workshops, spaces for women only (Sisterhood) and also for families with children (Everybody Moves). She creates permissive and inclusive spaces where there's always an opportunity for people to express themselves creatively during the dance: there's a big piece of paper on the wall where dancers can draw during the class weaving together embodied movement and spontaneous artistic creation.

Upcoming Events

I like going to Kata’s classes because she’s authentic. She shows up with equal parts of liberation and vulnerability. Her subtle presence weaves into the room, creating a safe space where I can also experience liberation even if I went to the class feeling tired or sad. - Zsolt Kramer, Scrum Master