Edina Miskei

MM Professional Teacher
Based in Vojvodina, Serbia
MM Qualifications
Apprenticeship 2021
Professional Training 2024
Formats Offered
Weekends (coming soon)

Edina Miskei

Edina is an enthusiastic seeker, explorer of life, since childhood she has been engaging in the Big Questions, which have been guiding her to this very moment. She has embarked on various journeys, as much as physical travels as ones within herself, in order to attend to answer them. From artistic expression, theatre, yoga, meditation, conscious dance, singing and shamanic practices to name a few. She has found her anchor in movement, in the Dance, moving and singing together in community imbued with the natural elements. Whatever she does, she does it for the sake of tapping into more resource, to touch life and to be touched by life itself, to find home in herself. Finding her true, authentic voice and encouraging others for doing the same she names as her mission.

Since 2020 she has been dancing at the Moondance in Austria, which makes a significant part of her path as a space holder. Her acting history, and language teacher experience, movement workshop holder brought her closer to her core, which she could deepen with Movement Medicine, which is her true refuge. She found Movement Medicine in 2018 and finished her AP in 2022 with David Mooney and Yasia Leiserach.

She weaves her experience in yoga, bhakti, singing, ritual and ceremony into her work to remember who we really are and why we are here as human beings. Coming back to our essence and embracing our hearts is her guiding star.



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