Dana Kutin

MM Professional Teacher
Based in North district, Israel
MM Qualifications
Apprenticeship 2017
Professional Training 2021
Heart & SEER CPD 2023
Formats Offered
Open on going classes
Daily workshops

Dana Kutin

Movement as medicine, as a creative way of being and powerful transforming tool has been guiding me since childhood, where I spend hours exploring and experiencing my inner world. After adolescent years I discovered free dance and experienced the transformative power It offered me.

As a young adult I dived deep into exploration and learning the beautiful connection between body and mind and was trained as a Body Centred Physiotherapist and later became a teacher for the method.

As a teacher I connected again to free dance, finding that it allowed me to teach in my best. In these days I was living a community life with my partner, Igal, near Jerusalem and preparing to have my second child. Professionally, I felt not in place and thankful to a dear mentor I came to my first Movement Medicine class run by Susanna Darling Kahn. As I stepped on the dance floor I received a powerful vision and felt all that I love in life and knowledge collaborating into one home and that is Movement Medicine.

Since then I'm walking this path passionately both as a student and a teacher, combined with working as a Dance Therapist M.A.

Today I'm living with the community of Hararit in the Galilee, Israel. Together with my partner, igal and our 3 children.

Happy to continue my learning and development through dance, strengthening the connection to myself and life around me, feeling blessed to create dance spaces for others and share my hearts deepest love and truth.

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