Christine Pechan

MM Professional Teacher
Based in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
MM Qualifications
Apprenticeship 2014
Professional Training 2016
Graduation 2018
Heart & SEER CPD 2018
Phoenix CPD 2018
Initiation CPD 2019
Formats Offered
Open class weekly
1 day workshops

Christine Pechan

My work was and is my calling, starting in my twenties in the environmental government to protect nature on a communal level, changing in my thirties my profession and perspective into a more personal level as an independent natural health professional. As a passionate bodyworker i discovered all layers of self, practicing and teaching meditation and Reiki, using the feet as an entrance for healing.

Movement Medicine empowered me to sort all personal and professional experiences in a wider context and confront my own traumatic story to receive its healing essence. this is my authentic medicine and my offering through the feet and in the dance.

I dedicate my whole work to the Amazon Rainforest.



Upcoming Events

Christine offers a passionate work, with an open ear and clear mind for what is spontaneously needed, the warmth of her heart and depth of her connection with the Rainforest shines through all her different offerings. You feel welcome entering her classes and workshops, safe and free to unfold what you are bringing with you. Her instructions are simple and clear, following the music, she intuitively chooses, which is widening your heart in whatever condition you arrived. - Gabriele, Yoga teacher