Antje Dröge

MM Professional Teacher
Based in Bavaria, Germany
MM Qualifications
Apprenticeship 2012
Professional Training 2013
Graduation 2016
Heart & SEER CPD 2016
Ceremony CPD 2017
Phoenix CPD 2018
Initiation CPD 2019
Embodied Listening CPD 2021
Formats Offered

Antje Dröge

Antje is a dancer, artist, beauty-creator, truth-seeker, body-worker (physiotherapist, osteopath and Tantra-trainee), conscious dance DJ and passionate about life and the splendour of creation and how it expresses itself in each of us in movement. She loves holding MM-spaces for people to get to know themselves better, gain access to their abundance of possibilities and just enjoy being who they are, supporting them to reconnect to their own unique liveliness and beauty and become the best version of themselves in service of life and the world we live in ...

She has been dancing with Y´Acov and Susannah since 2000 - first as 5Rhythms and then Movement Medicine from 2007 on. For her, too, 2007 was a break-through year including “Making Love” for committed couples in Devon - (“There is no guarantee as to the outcome”) - and a life-changing fire-ritual on the “returning home” winter-solstice workshop in Switzerland. After which she decided to enroll in a year of “Ritual Ongoing” with Ya´Acov in Belgium and her MM-journey really took off. The new name helped, since she was working with movement as medicine anyway for decades.

Antje is teaching movement medicine mainly as workshops since 2014, as well as holding ceremonies for winter- and summersolstice in Bavaria.
She is a fully qualified MM teacher and followed all but one of the modules of the continued professional training of the school.

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