Psychologist, trainer and dance therapist, I practice sensitive listening and a setting in motion of the Being by supporting the person in all their dimensions, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Through a humanist and existential approach linking listening to the body and the mind, I have been offering individual psychological support and dance workshops for more than 20 years to reconnect with oneself.
Movement Medicine workshops offer a powerful, liberating space for reconnecting with oneself, one's deep nature, and the intelligence of our body through free, instinctive, and intuitive movement. Free dance connects us to our Essence by inviting us to allow natural gestures and movements to emerge, free of all aesthetic conditioning. It allows for the expression and acceptance, without judgment, of what is—sensations, emotions, and blockages—that have remained hidden deep within our bodies. It invites us to listen to the messages our body is ready to deliver.
The body is considered our most precious alchemical crucible, at the heart of which, thanks to movement and the consciousness that emerges from it, true transformation can take place.
Dance thus provides freedom, fluidity, confidence, letting go, and openness. It leads to the development of one's inner power, placed at the service of oneself and the whole. It connects us to the ritual, sacred, and creative dimension of Life.
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