Angela Boeringa

MM Professional Teacher
Based in Limburg, Belgium
MM Qualifications
Apprenticeship 2018
Embodied Listening CPD 2022
Professional Training 2022
Formats Offered
Open classes
Ongoing groups

Angela Boeringa

Angela is a Dutch teacher, living and working in Belgium. She is a dedicated mother of a beautiful adolescent son and caretaker of two horses, a dog, a cat and the land on which they all live. Being in nature and with animals is a great joy for her.

After dancing in many weekend workshops and intensives, and organizing weekly dance classes for several teachers, for more than 10 years, Angela joined the apprenticeship of Movement Medicine. Dancing changed from a weekly practice into a daily practice and into a way of life. It brings her joy, aliveness and connection with the deeper intelligence within herself. Getting in contact with this deeper intelligence on a daily basis, makes it a strong guide for her life in general.

Angela offers a dancing space with music from all over the world and safe enough to welcome what emerges in your dance, being embodied as much as you can. Her experience and work with horses (needs congruence) and connection with nature (energy sensitive) informs her way of teaching. Drawing from a rich life experience (some inspiring and some pretty challenging), she knows her own ever changing and multi layered inner human landscape well.

Next to teaching Movement Medicine, she is a former homeopath and a coach for children and their 'troubled' parents. She is also a coach in horse supported sessions and facilitates 1-to-1 coaching sessions in the nearby forest.

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