This teacher is currently resting from offering Movement Medicine.

Ailsa Lucas

MM Professional Teacher
Based in Devon, United Kingdom
MM Qualifications
Apprenticeship 2012
Professional Training 2013
Heart & SEER CPD 2016
Ceremony CPD 2017
Graduation 2018
Phoenix CPD 2018
Initiation CPD 2019
Formats Offered
No classes offered at the moment

Ailsa Lucas

When Ailsa first fell in love with conscious dance, it was because she had finally found a place where she felt safe enough to include all parts of herself, and where she could discover the value and life energy in each part. She felt exhilaratingly alive and beautifully at peace with being herself, just as she was.

Movement Medicine put her in touch with the life in her body and made space for her to experience the depth of her connection with all life. Through Movement Medicine she found deeper compassion for herself and others, grew trust and confidence in herself, and gained a much stronger sense of her power to make the most of her life. Whatever she has faced since encountering this work, movement has been healing, transformative and empowering medicine.

Ailsa taught Movement Medicine between 2014 and 2020. She assisted Susannah and Ya’Acov on many intensives, including being Head Teaching Assistant on Initiation twice, and was a Mentor for their Apprenticeship Programme. In her own classes, she loved creating spaces where people could feel safe to bring themselves as they were, open to the sensations within their body, let the life energy within them find movement and expression, explore relating more authentically, and deepen their connection with their innate wisdom.

She is not teaching Movement Medicine at present, but her embodied experience of Movement Medicine continues to inform every aspect of her life. She is mother to one son and works as a Counsellor. She has deep interest in relationship, and a strong feeling for how the ways we relate with different parts of ourselves, and with those we are most directly connected, form part of the foundations for human relating on larger scales. In her work and personal life, she is moved to play a part in learning what it truly takes for each of us to love, feel, trust and express the fullness of our being, importantly including the parts we find hardest to love, in ways that are mutually life enhancing.

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