1Who are you?
I am a Social Innovator working in Southern Africa. I am co-founder of Kufunda Learning Village where we work to help people and communities learn how to bring forward the wisdom of the whole in generative and co-creative ways. I work with healing processes as part of this work, especially for women and youth.
2Are you Movement Medicine facilitator or teacher or both? When did you train and graduate?
Teacher, although I now use Movement Medicine in so much of my work even when not dancing. I graduated as a Movement Medicine teacher in 2019.
3Who do you serve with your Movement Medicine work?
I serve Zimbabwean communities – bringing Movement Medicine into our work at Kufunda Learning Village to create healthy vibrant community in Zimbabwe and Beyond. Movement Medicine has strengthened my work with community healing and upliftment immensely. My deep joy is when we host women’s empowerment retreats; I delight in bringing the dance to our Waldorf inspired primary school, and I always love opening the dance through drop-in classes in Harare and more recently also in Cape Town.
4What is the deep meaning of this work for you?
Movement Medicine is life to me. It ignites me. It moves me. It fills me with joy and a sense of connection to Self, to Spirit, to Land and to Community. It is my way of connecting with my own deeper wisdom and knowing, and my way of connecting with my joy stream.
5Tell us about one recent precious moment.
Last weekend dancing in the garden of a friend in Harare. Dancing with the elements of earth and air, connecting with the support of Mother Earth, and the spaciousness of Father Sky. We live in a collapsing country, and yet in that garden, we danced with a sense of possibility, and with the capacity to continue to open to the light which streams in, and which is always there if we but open to it. We danced a collective opening to light and grace.
6Tell us about a moment in your path when you recognised that Movement Medicine was going to play an important role.
My dancing journey began in 2013 with an inner voice prompting me to dance – I stepped in with a commitment to 30 days of dancing, which grew to a 100 and then 1000 days! Through this I was connected to a Movement Medicine weekend retreat. It felt like coming home – to a place where past, present and future could breathe together, where deep healing could occur through the dance of myself and my lineage, and where I could receive the impulse and inspiration from the future seeking to enter through me.
7The thing you find yourself saying most often to your participants?
"Breathe! Trust your impulse. Trust your movement."
8If you had 12 words to say anything you wanted to the world, what would it be?
"Trust your dreams. They are the future entering the world through you".

Favourite Track and Why?

Breathe by Mapumba. Mapumba is a friend of a friend. He is a Congolese musician living in South Africa. ‘Breathe’ brings oxygen and light in – quite literally. And it brings Mama Africa, whom I always love and serve.