1Who are you?
Lynn Campbell - Movement Medicine teacher, dance artist and Movement Psychotherapist living in Northumberland, UK.
2Movement Medicine Facilitator or Teacher or both? When did you train and graduate?
I'm a Movement Medicine Teacher. I trained between 2009 and 2011, and graduated in Jan 2013.
3Who do you serve with your Movement Medicine work?
I work with a wide range of individuals and groups. I have worked long term with disabled young people and pregnant women. I’m part of the Newcastle Dance Collective who have offered a weekly class in the North East since 2013. More recently I’ve offered places and spaces to dance for: adults ‘living well with Parkinsons’, refugee groups for women and non-binary people who have experienced domestic violence, and with adults in their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.
4What is the meaning of this work for you?
Movement for me is a place of connection and resource and creativity. I offer the work to make that available for others.
5Please tell us about two recent precious moments in your teaching.
1. ‘A’ from the “Living well with Parkinsons” group shared with us about her depression, loneliness and sedentary lifestyle before dancing. She now feels like she has remembered the joy of the beat and of creativity and dances at home while washing the dishes/getting dressed/even taking her meds! 2. A woman from the group for refugees who have experienced domestic violence told us of her forced marriage at a young age and how her husband banned her from dancing – in the group she wears her best clothes and shows us Bollywood moves from her childhood – she says it feels like ‘everything’ to her.
6Please tell us about a moment when you recognised that Movement Medicine was going to play an important role in your life.
When I began my MM training I was already teaching yoga for pregnancy classes. I loved the work AND often found myself judging my work/imagining someone else could do it better. In the MM training I began to embody how to call for support. This transformed my teaching. On my walk through the park on the way to the hospital where I taught, I would call on support from the elements and spirits and wisdom that knew about the body intelligence of pregnancy and birth. It was such a relief to gather this support and then play my part with this support at my back.
7The thing you find yourself saying most often to your participants?
“Listen to your body – get it right for you.”
8If you had 9 words to say anything you wanted to the world, what would it be?
"Let’s take a spin on the dance floor, now!"
9Thank you Lynn.
It's wonderful to hear about your work with Movement Medicine and to have a glimpse of how it lights up people's lives.

Favourite Track and Why?

Lisa O Neill – Blackbird - partly because it’s about a call for connection and support from nature – from a creature just being itself and nothing else. Partly Lisa’s unique and authentic voice. And partly because Margaret Davies from our first Apprenticeship (AP1) whisked me to a Lisa O Neill gig before I’d heard of her and I was enchanted.