We understand that entering into a new community or body of work can feel daunting. Often language is used that everyone else seems to understand but not you. So, as part of our wish to make you feel welcome here, here's a glossary of commonly used Movement Medicine® terms to help you along the way.
The Movement Medicine Mandala: The symbol of the Movement Medicine Mandala contains all the teachings that make up Movement Medicine. Each of its 21 Gateways is an invitation to engage with a different aspect of life in the most creative way possible.
Study Hub: The Movement Medicine Study Hub is an online embodied learning community that offers a steady pulse of weekly lessons, seasonal ceremonies and ongoing study. It brings Ya'Acov and Susannah's cutting edge teaching to its members.
Course: A course is an online, self-study programme that you can do in your own time.
Workshop: Workshops are in the room events that last from anything from half a day to 10 days.
Weekend Workshop: As the name suggests, this is an event that takes place over a weekend.
Class: A class can be online or in the room, drop-in style or closed. A class usually lasts from an hour to 3 hours.
Ongoing: An ongoing class or series of workshops is usually a closed group so that the group can get to know each other and go deeper.
Online Workshop: And online workshop is a theme-focused online study event. It can happen over a weekend or for deeper journeys, over several weeks
Intensive: An intensive is an ‘in the room’ event that happens over a longer time frame than a weekend, allowing the dancer to go deeper in their process.
Ceremony: Movement Medicine ceremonies are non-denominational, non-dogmatic spaces where the dancer is invited to embody their prayers for self, others, and the world and to deepen their relationship with what resources them.
Online Ceremonies: The same as above except that these are online
Apprentice: An apprentice is a Movement Medicine student who has decided to go much deeper in their journey by committing to the Movement Medicine Apprenticeship Programme with a teacher who has the School’s authorisation to run this intensive Apprenticeship programme. In these journey's you learn to apply Movement Medicine practices to yourself and for your own life.
Apprentice Only Event: This category is for events that are curated for the members of the Movement Medicine Apprenticeship community only
Professional Training: The Movement Medicine Professional Training is a demanding programme for people who have completed their Apprenticeship programme. Run by Susannah & Ya’Acov and a wonderful team, it teaches you to how to use Movement Medicine professionally, how to hold Movement Medicine spaces and/or supports you to learn the basics of holding space for others with Movement Medicine and how to integrate Movement Medicine into an already existing profession you have (e.g. therapist, doctor, school teacher).
Professional: A Professional is the generic name we give to anyone who has successfully completed their Professional Training with the School. They may be a Teacher, a facilitator (as defined below) or both.
Facilitator: A Facilitator is someone who has completed their Professional Training with the School and is integrating what they learnt into an already existing profession in which they are trained, with a rigorous process of self reflection and supervision for this integration.
Teacher: A Teacher is someone who has completed their Professional Training with the School and is now holding Movement Medicine spaces for the public in open workshops, and in other professional arenas.
The School of Movement Medicine is the Organisation run by Susannah and Ya’Acov that offers workshops, events, Professional Training and Ongoing Education for Professionals, online and in person.
The Path is the Movement Medicine journey from start to end which is offered by the School. It includes the work of all the Professionals the School has trained. It gives beginners their first steps and offers a clear way forward for those who wish to integrate Movement Medicine into their personal and professional lives. There is no glass ceiling in our School.
CPD: CPD stands for 'Continued Professional Development' and is the advanced pathway offered by the School for those who have completed their Professional Training and who wish to go on training in deeper levels of this work.
MMA: The Movement Medicine Association (MMA) is the professional body of Movement Medicine, supporting the ethical standards, excellence and rigorous standards of Movement Medicine Professionals.