This is where you'll find basic information about how to get involved with Movement Medicine®.
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How do I find out if a Teacher is Qualified to teach Movement Medicine®?

All of the teachers on this site are qualified to teach and are members of the The Movement Medicine Association, and are therefore signed up to the rigorous ethics and codes of conduct expected of them. The Association's role is to uphold the ethics and standards of its members.

How can I find out if there is a trained Movement Medicine teacher near me?

Please click here to find the wonderful array of trained teachers around the world. Use the filtering system to find out who's close by. If there's no-one near you, maybe you'll become that person 😉.

Click here for all Movement Medicine events and use the advanced filtering system to help you to find what you are looking for.

Do I have to believe in what you believe in to participate?

No, absolutely not. Movement Medicine requires no belief, only the willingness to move, engage and discover what is true for you. Movement Medicine is a non dogmatic, non religious yet spiritual and personal development practice for our times. Our guiding principles are that everyone matters and everyone has something to contribute. Our work is designed to support participants to access and strengthen this.
Courtesy, respect and kindness to others is an inherent part of the culture of Movement Medicine.

How do I start my Movement Medicine path?

Wherever you begin, the Path describes the Movement Medicine® journey from Beginner to Apprentice to Professional and beyond. Learn more about the different potential path ways on your Movement Medicine journey by exploring The Path.

Where can I listen to music by Susannah or Ya'Acov?

Check out our online discography where you'll find all the music and guided practices which have been created by Susannah and Ya'Acov DK.

Do I need to have previous dance experience to join?

No prior dance experience is required to join the Study Hub, in person classes or weekend workshops, these are all designed to be accessible to individuals with varying levels of experience in movement as medicine, allowing everyone to explore and enjoy the benefits of this work. Intensives such as Initiation or the Phoenix retreat do have pre-requisites, to ensure that all participants have the ground to make positive use of the intensive inner offered. So get going with the Study Hub, with a local class (check out all the amazing Teachers!) and keep a log of your hours of practice.

What is the difference between a course, a workshop or a class?

Online Course: A course is an online, self-study programme that you can do in your own time and at your own pace.

Workshop: Workshops are in the room events that last from anything from half a day to 10 days.

Online Workshop: And online workshop is a theme-focused online study event. It can happen over a weekend or for deeper journeys, over several weeks

Class: A class can be online or in the room, drop-in style or closed. A class usually lasts from an hour to 3 hours.

Explore our glossary to learn more about the language we use in Movement Medicine.

How do I find a Movement Medicine teacher near me?

To find a Movement Medicine teacher near you, simply click select the Teachers tab at the top of the page, then "Find a Teacher".

Use the map filter to find a teacher near you, or put in the name of your region in the search bar.

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Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.