Yin & Yang of Fulfilment
This month we are exploring the yin and yang of the gateway of ‘fulfilment’ - this is a deeply intimate, personal and individual theme to do with what you really value in life. And we are looking forward to exploring this with you! This lesson we have a surprise guest on the Keynote, who helps Susannah explain the active and receptive aspects of fulfilment and how important they both are, for a life well lived. Each of us has our own balancing and re-balancing to do with finding this dynamic equilibrium.
One aspect we'll be touching on is recent research on mental well-being (an important aspect of the receptive experience of fulfilment) which highlights three key elements that are foundational:
1. Movement! We are animals who need to move
2. Warm social connection - we do not do this alone
3. Beauty, mystery and nature - belonging as part of something much bigger than ourselves
We'll be inviting you to deepen your aliveness in each of these three as aspects, to support the quality of fulfilment of your life.
I (Susannah) am looking forward to sharing this journey with you and am delighted that the mystery guest arrived and helped me so much!