Waters of the Heart
Love, Grief and Letting go.
Susannah coaches us through the deep and tender waters of the heart, bringing her experience, wisdom and teaching about sadness, grief, love, letting go and living strongly.
We'll learn about primary and secondary emotions and the ways we can get confused about what we are actually feeling due to what we have learnt is culturally acceptable. And we'll do a bit of "unblocking" in this area, to claim more of what is ours.
We'll also learn about the subtle and yet strong connection between sorrow and joy.
The waters of the heart teach us about the dance of letting go, shaking medicine, purification and the power of surrender.
Anne Ena Bernard and Susannah share a deep listening conversation on "Grief, Love and Letting Go" in which Anne Ena shares from her experience of dancing with profound grief and loss.
For some of the music from the beautiful Mini Embodiment Practice (on Spotify):
And Susannah recommends this podcast - an interview between Krista Tippett and Rachel Naomi Remen, part of the Onbeing series.