Monthly on Saturday until January 31, 2025
Anywhere, Anytime
Christian de Sousa: Click to Show Email or +447974911670.
This event ended on Sat 20 Apr 2024.

The Dancefloor Jedi Project is a membership service for dancers.

It offers high-quality resources to support you to dance and do your movement practice anywhere and anytime. The teachings and maps used include Movement Medicine, 5Rhythms and Taoist + shamanic/animist practices.

Every month you get exclusive new recordings made by Christian - including guided practices, music-only DJ mixes and other resources. Meanwhile, your membership gives you everyday access to the library of all existing recordings.

You can access these resources both online and offline, through a variety of platforms and apps, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Patreon and Christian's own Glimpses of Light website.

The service works through a platform called Patreon, a reciprocally-focussed platform supporting creatives to make work for audiences and participants.

Sign-up through Patreon using the Subscribe button, and choose Dancefloor Jedi or Art & Medicine Activator to access the resources (tiers 2 and 3)
Or you can join the free / entry-level Sound & Vision tiers to get a taste, and upgrade later if you like.

Use the Find Out More button to visit the page on Christian's website with all the info, including some FAQs.

The Dancefloor Jedi dates listed on the calender are the monthly release dates for new recordings and for livestreams from in-the-room classes.

May the Dancing Force be with you!