We will gather, dance, awaken our bodies and the dancer that lives inside all of us. Together we will spend time welcoming in the "Good fire". This Bealtaine time of year when we move toward the brightest and longest day of Summer Solstice was traditionally the start of Summer, a time of fertility, boundary setting and welcoming the fire.
What is ready to be fertilised? Where might your boundaries need strengthening and reinforcing? What is ready to shine and come to fruition in you and in your life? Come dance, land into your body and listen for what the good fire wants to share with you and with us.
These are very intense times for many of us personally and globally. Taking time to feel our bodies and give space and movement for our bodies hearts and minds are ways of sustaining and resourcing ourselves. Tuning in to these changes and rhythms of the year by sharing in simple, safe community ritual together, helps us to remember our true nature and in the sacred journey of our lives.