Sat 22 Feb 2025
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm (CET)
Lichtsaal Grafing, Germany, Thomas-Mayr Str. 4, Grafing Near Munich, Germany, 85567
English (United Kingdom)
Yuki Lakshminarayani Mitsumori: Click to Show Email.
This event ended on Sat 22 Feb 2025.

Movement Medicine® with Yuki
"21 gateways - 9.  Mind " 

Saturday 22th Feb 19:00-21:00

This is the 9th gate of 21 gateways, however anyone can join even you have not done previous gates.
Focus in this class is "The Mind".
For your purpose...... intention..... instruction..... imagination...... concepts...... ideas.......
to connect with my body and my spirit.......
to bridge between inside and outside.....

Movement Medicine is a body based movement meditation practice with body, mind and heart, and with essences of contemporary shamanism and psychotherapeutic wisdom.
Let's dance your prayer for your heart, for your loved one's heart, for our heart.

≪Date and time≫
Sat 22th Feb

≪Place≫Lichtsaal, Grafing
Address :Thomas-Mayr Str. 485567 Grafing

20 Euro


[email protected]

<< about the Facilitator >>
Yuki Lakshminarayani
She is a Movement medicine certified Teacher, a Spiritual Healer, an International Yoga Teacher and a Shamanic Worker.
She started teaching group exercises since 1997, and she has been giving healing as well for physically, mentally, energetically and spiritually.
In her unique Movement Medicine® class, she puts in her nature wisdom of Shamanic work as she is a grand daughter of a Japanese Shaman, and uses knowledge from long experiences of her skills such as Spirituality, Energy Work, Shamanic Healing, Meditation, Yoga philosophy, Dance meditation, Technique of family constellation, body works, Art therapy, and Butoh performance.
She is trained and initiated by some Shamans from Japan, Peru, Ecuador, Nepal and England, and has a motivation and passion to contribute more with all resources.
She has held a lot of workshops and retreats in some countries around the world so far.
Through her soul mission, she supports people to harmonize body, mind, heart and spirit, as well as balancing Yin-Sacred Female energy and Yang-Sacred Male energy. And she assists people awakening "who you are", and the sense of " we are ONE, connected".

Facebook: Movement Medicine Elemental Dance with Yuki
Instagram: yukilakshminarayani