finding ground in turbulent times - earth
surrendering to the music and dance - water
letting your inner sun shine - fire
rising like a phoenix from the ashes - wind
3 hours of deep exploration, gathering resources and support, awakening the living earth of your body, your territory, the playground of your soul .. surrendering to the medicine of the music and the spirit of the dance. Letting the waters wash through your being and releasing all that is ready to be released. Finding your inner fire, following its invitation to shine, to stand up in your strength & power .. while receiving and releasing the breath of life .. and rising & growing into more space and freedom of movement, being carried and connected by the winds of change .. to see more of the whole picture of what you are ..
We might use painting to help us gather together bits and pieces of ourselves and experience our being and life in a way that is more full .. and more fun!
Hope to see you there