From a Learning Village
My name is Maaianne Knuth and I am your guest teacher for the global learning village of the Movement Medicine Study Hub this month. I look forward to exploring the theme of Interconnection with you.
I come from a Learning Village in Zimbabwe, where in many ways the truth of interconnection is part of the daily fabric of life. I am so looking forward to bringing to our Movement Medicine community my experiences and questions of how to deepen into the weaving of interconnection. For me it is a practice that supports me in staying connected to the world, even as I am deeply rooted in myself.
I am travelling with an image of each one of us as points of light: As we learn to open to life and to the world, we can become a web of light, illuminating the world. What if - as we open to the experience of interconnection - we can be a grid of light for the world and for each other?
And what does it take to open to this?
This will be our journey together this month.