Join us this April as we honour Earth Day, extending offerings of gratitude and peace to the Heart of The World and to all our Relations. This will be a collective co-created journey remembering our birthright of loving guardianship, inspired by the soul-stirring sounds of Curawaka and Mira Khanya. Come and immerse yourself in song, prayer, ceremony, and dance in an ode to harmony and reverence, renewing together our deep commitment to walk in peace on this our beloved Earth.
As part of our event, we invite you to contribute to a collective Earth offering, by bringing a small biodegradable or natural object that holds personal significance to you. This could be a flower, stone, crystal, feather, shell, leaf, or any other small item that resonates with your connection to the Earth. The intention behind this offering is to create a shared expression of gratitude and reverence for our beautiful home.
We kindly request that the item you bring is something you are willing to give back to the Earth, as we aim to return these offerings to the land as a symbolic gesture of appreciation. Some offerings will be provided at the event for those who may not have been able to bring their own contribution.