Anne Ena Bernard

MM Professional Teacher & Facilitator
1Who and where are you?
Becoming a leader of my life is for me a passionate dance between the irrepressible desire to offer the best of myself and the management of my wounds. I love this dance that I have embodied with Movement Medicine. I am running a Movement Medicine Apprenticeship near the Mediterranean coast, but I live near the ocean near Spain with Nicolas my beloved husband.
2Are you a teacher and/or facilitator and when did you train and graduate?
I am a teacher and facilitator. I did my Professional Training in Movement Medicine in 2016 and graduated in 2019.
3Who do you serve with your Movement Medicine work?
I find it deeply beautiful to work with so many young people who want to discover their strength and deploy it in the service in the world. Often they appreciate the presence of the older ones, also waking up to the desire to grow in their power!.. menopausal women, business people in search of meaning. So courageous and promising. Many artists or therapists who are more and more interested in body intelligence. I really appreciate this powerful and creative co-regulating diversity.
4What is the meaning of this work for you?
Huge and fundamental. It speaks to me of rediscovering the power and sacredness of healthy and creative sexual energy. The living force anchored in the matter of the body that belongs to the world of nature, right? For me, that's what dancing is! Reconnecting with nature and it's living force of life, balance and harmony. It's healing ourselves and praying together to enjoy and offer the world what and who we are.
5Please tell us about two recent precious moments you’ve experienced in your professional Movement Medicine work.
One was the last day of the Phoenix retreat, the participants were completely caught up in their dance, deeply involved in manifesting the power of their dance - creating a world where everyone could live their life with heart and power... tears, joy, commitment, all together embodying the same dream - so magnificent. Two, during an evening where the 'apprentices' offered an expression of what they were going through: immensely beautiful, touching, healing.
6Please tell us something about when you recognised that Movement Medicine was going to play an important role in your life.
From the first workshop, I knew that this was how I wanted to teach this medicine, which I had already been teaching in a slightly different way for 25 years. And what's more, I also felt that I was finally going to enjoy and benefit from this medicine for myself. I finally had a fairly solid, caring and, above all, confident framework in my own resources that my whole body and soul were telling me "go for it!" even though I didn't have a penny.
7The thing you find yourself saying most often to your participants
Several refrains: - the Earth carries you, you have nothing to carry, not even yourself! - ask your body to show you how he loves to dance - the mind is made to ask questions, your body to answer them; - why do you rave about sunsets and not about the genius inside you?
8If you had 9 words to say anything you wanted to the world, what would it be?
Permission to be powerful - to feel small - to enjoy

Favourite Track and Why?

To receive sweetness...... This voice and this rhythm that soothes me so much!