School of Movement Medicine

Igniting human evolution through dance

Movement is Life

Movement Medicine® is a creative, embodied practice rooted in ancient wisdom and scientific understanding. Get grounded in your body, in touch with your purpose, and discover the wellspring of resilience and resource within you. Movement Medicine will connect you to the wisdom of living from the heart, the joy of knowing who you are and the fulfilment of making your unique contribution.

Movement is Medicine

Experience the unbroken intelligence of life within you, and the joy of human connection through this dynamic and innovative dancing path.

Upcoming Events

Our calendar includes all in person and online events taught by Ya'Acov, Susannah and all of our teachers around the world.

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Receive a free embodiment practice & our newsletter.
In this 15 minute class, Ya'Acov Darling Khan will guide you through the triple-woven intelligence of your body, heart and mind to deepen your embodied experience.
Fill in the form to receive your instant access.

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Meet the Founders

Ya'ACov & Susannah Darling Khan

Ya'Acov and Susannah have been teaching movement as medicine since 1989 and founded Movement Medicine in 2007. They inspire people from all walks of life to get moving, and courageously make their contribution to life. They have trained hundreds of teachers and inspired thousands of people worldwide to live their lives rooted in the creative power of the beat that's in you too.

The Path

Go Deeper with Movement Medicine

The Movement Medicine Path is a dancing path. A path where movement is your medicine, where you are both respected as the one you are and challenged to become all you can be. A path where community and individuality are mutually enhancing and you learn to alchemise the past, be present, and play your role in creating the future. Do you hear the drums calling you?
Learn more

Find a teacher near you

The map will show the growing number of places worldwide where you can study with one of our trained Movement Medicine Professionals. And if there's no-one near you yet, join the Study Hub or why not invite a teacher to come to you?
Find a Teacher

The Study Hub

A global village of practice

The Study Hub is a brilliant place to begin or deepen your journey. With weekly online content and a welcoming community, you can experience the benefits of consistent Movement Medicine practice. It is home to Susannah and Ya'Acov's most current and cutting edge teachings.

Voices from the dancefloor

Hear directly from people who've experienced Movement Medicine.
Dancer Stories
Why Movement Medicine? Because it works! I recommend this work, without hesitation, as the most effective, wholesome, transformative & well integrated modality that I’ve known. - Dorrie Joy, Artist and Keeper of ancient crafts

Frequently Asked Questions

Need more information? Explore our extensive frequently asked questions. It's likely that the answer to your question is here for you!
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How do I find out if a Teacher is Qualified to teach Movement Medicine®?

All of the teachers on this site are qualified to teach and are members of the The Movement Medicine Association, and are therefore signed up to the rigorous ethics and codes of conduct expected of them. The Association's role is to uphold the ethics and standards of its members.

How can I find out if there is a trained Movement Medicine teacher near me?

Please click here to find the wonderful array of trained teachers around the world. Use the filtering system to find out who's close by. If there's no-one near you, maybe you'll become that person 😉.

Click here for all Movement Medicine events and use the advanced filtering system to help you to find what you are looking for.

How do I book onto an event?

If you are thinking of joining an "in room" event organised by the School, then head over to our events page and click “book ticket” which will take you to our booking system. There you will be asked to create an account, once you have done this, save your log in details as you will need them for the next time you wish to join an event.

For all other events led by the Founders or Movement Medicine Professionals, go to the event and you will find the specific booking details for that event there. Please feel free to be in touch if you need more help.

I've forgotten my login credentials to the Study Hub, can you help?

Of course! Go to the login page, click "forgot password" and wait for the email to land with a link to reset.

What is the structure of the Movement Medicine Study Hub?


becoming a member of the Movement Medicine Study Hub gives you access to a rich library and resource of all our previous Lessons and practices. It means being part of a global village of learning, practice and sharing. Memberships are annual or monthly. Once you join the Study Hub, if you maintain your membership continuously, the cost of your membership will stay the same, even when prices go up.


Hub Mondays

The Lessons are the heartbeat of our Hub life. Each monthly Lesson focuses on a specific theme. Each monthly Lesson is made up of weekly Hub offerings:

  • 1st Monday: Keynote Video introducing the monthly Hub theme. Video (w sub-titles), Audio & Written. 15 mins
  • 2nd Monday: Refuge Live Class with the monthly theme. If you are there live you can connect on zoom or dance privately via the live stream. The recorded video is there for dancing in your own time. 60 mins plus (live) 15 minutes optional zoom sharing (not recorded) together with the teacher.
  • 3rd Monday: Mini-Embodiment Practice with original music and our guidance. Video & Audio. 15 mins
  • 4th Monday: Integration Enquiry: Questions and prompts to support integration. Audio and Written. 5 mins
  • 4th or 5th Monday: Listening Bowl a deep listening sharing held by Susannah or Ya'Acov or senior teacher. Live only.

Movement Medicine Online Ceremonies

  • Eight times a year, to mark the the solstices, equinoxes and cross quarter days, we offer seasonally themed 2 hours and 30 minutes deep dancing ceremonies. These are a space to let go, dance your socks off, embody your prayers for all you love and care for and send some strength and support to those who need it. Imagine the healing power we can create, dancing 4 life from where you are and connecting our hearts across the globe.
  • These ceremonies are open to non-Hub members. Information and tickets are available on Events. All Movement Medicine Online Ceremonies are free for Study Hub members.
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